Find Sewer Repair in Victoria
Sewers include everything from your rooftop vent to the connection at the sewer main in the street or to the septic tank. You could have a blockage in a laundry line, a bathtub, a sink drain, a shower, a toilet or a main sewer line. Blockages are generally caused by the accumulation and buildup of particulate in your waste stream, poorly graded pipe work, or root growth. If blockages occur more than twice, there is likely to be an installation problem, a camera Inspection and further investigation might reveal a breakdown of part of the piping system or some object trapped in the system. There is also often a problem with root growth, particularly in older systems, with the lateral mains going from the house to the sewer main or to the septic tank in rural cases. There have been many types of sewer laterals used over the years in the Victoria area. You could find anything from new plastic pipe to vitreous clay, asbestos cement, cast iron or even “NoCorrode“. This is a spun cardboard and tar pipe used and installed in the war years. All of these older systems have joints that allow roots to gain entry.
Your sewer system could require cleaning, flushing or de-rooting with a final inspection with a camera for cracks and faults. If faults or leakages are found, repairing the damaged pipe or replacing the faulty section would also be recommended to address the problem. Upgrading parts of the sewer system with more modern glued-joint pipe work will prevent reoccurrence of root blockage problems. A regular program of preventative maintenance will be required to prevent the inconvenience of reoccurring blockages to you system from poor grades or root entry where repair or replacement is not possible.